10/8/2023, 1:45:47 AM



Adam McWhirter, GMS-T

Managing Director at Maxxelli

As the winter months get fully underway and the temperatures drop across the country, keeping warm is one of the biggest issues faced in China. Whilst staying in bed all day and wrapping up in layer upon layer of clothing may be tempting, those solutions aren’t necessarily practical. Instead, we have realistic solutions to help you beat the cold in China, so you can carry on your daily life comfortably.


Moving to China, one of the major differences you’ll notice between here and the West is the presence of central heating – or lack of in the south of the country. The issue around which parts of the country get central heating and which don’t dates back to the 1950s, where limited resources determined that only those in the north of the country – or above the Qinling Mountains and Huaihe River, or what came to be known as the ‘Qin-Huai’ line – were given the privilege of indoor heating. This means that everywhere below this line, including the whole of the Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou and Jiangxi provinces plus others, must rely on other means to keep warm.

Despite being introduced over fifty years ago, the premise that the north gets colder in the winter and is thus more in need of central heating still persists to this day. Even buildings currently being built below the ‘Qin-Huai’ line do not have central heating, and instead residents use the heat setting on their AC, or choose to install a space heating unit (空调 kongtiao) to keep away the winter chills. If you are currently living below this line and don’t have central heating, fear not – there are still several methods you can use to keep warm.


It may seem counterintuitive to use an AC system during the winter, but this is the heating system many Chinese use to keep their homes warm. When it comes to actually using your AC system, however, you may have some difficulties if you cannot read Chinese. Check out our list of handy translations to help you out.

Should you not find your A/C remote control in the list, then just send us a picture of your remote control to and we’ll add it to the list for you. We couldn’t bare just letting you freeze or melt like a popsicle!


English | Chinese | Pinyin
Air conditioner | 空调 | kōng tiáo
Remote control | 遥控器 | yáo kòng qì
Automatic | 自动 | zì dòng
Cool | 制冷 | zhì lěng
Dehumidifier | 抽湿 | chōu shī
Heat | 制热 | zhì rè
Fan Wind | 送风 | sòng fēng
High Wind Speed | 高风 | gāo fēng
Mid Wind Speed | 中风 | zhōng fēng
Low Wind Speed | 低风 | dī fēng
Set | 调整 | tiáo zhěng
Mode | 模式 | mó shì
On / Off | 开/关 | kāi/guān
Wind Speed | 风速 | fēng sù
Wind up/down | 上下风 | shàng xià fēng
Economy | 经济 | jīng jì
Time Set | 定时 | dìng shí
Blowing Direction | 风向 | fēng xiàng
Sweeping Wind | 扫风 | săo fēng
Cleaning | 清新 | qīng xīn
Display | 数显 | shù xiăn
Strength | 强劲 | qiáng jìn
Sleep | 睡眠 | shuì miăn
Lighting | 灯光 | dēng guāng
Cancel | 取消 | qŭ xiāo
Power Source | 电源 | diàn yuán

When using your AC, it’s also important to remember not to keep it on 24 hours a day, as tempting as that may be. Running your AC constantly can lead to condensation, as the water is being removed from the air as it’s conditioned, which is then drained via a pipe. If there’s too much condensation, your system can get clogged and will require maintenance – prevent this by simply leaving your AC off while out of the house, or turning it off for a few hours at a time.


In some cities, one of the preferred options of heating is to install underfloor heating; this can be preferable to using an AC unit, as it doesn’t dry the air out, and can provide more even heating across the apartment. This involves installing a hydronic or electric system of heating pipes under the floorboards if your apartment does not already have one, which is then typically operated via a thermostat on the wall. Again, you may need to use the tanslations above in order to operate your heating system.


One of the easiest ways to keep warm at home is to wrap up in cosy blankets and duvets – the thicker the better! These can be purchased in a number of ways. If looking in a shop or market, ask for a duvet down – “I would like to buy a Duvet down (我想买一件羽绒服)” – or if searching online simply enter “羽绒服”and you will find plenty of options.

Or, for a totally free way to keep warm, snuggle up to someone you love! Whether its your boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife, son or daughter, or even a cat or dog, snuggling up is one of the best ways of staying cosy.

Adam McWhirter, GMS-T

Managing Director at Maxxelli

Joined Maxxelli in 2008, I am currently the Managing Partner. If you have any queries about our services, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly

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After months of design and development, we are thrilled to announce the launch of The Maxxelli Portal. We bring you 15 years of Real Estate and Destination Services experience, all at your fingertips. Say goodbye to endless searches for documents or city guides buried in your inbox. Everything that defines the essence of Maxxelli is now beautifully curated in single location.    Welcome to a new era of DSP convenience and exploration in China.   The Maxxelli Portal (Youtube) In The Portal, we’ve streamlined the process into 5 straightforward sections. Our clients will receive real-time updates as they progress on their journey with us. - Overview - Home-Search - Lease Info - Tenancy Management - My City  The My City section in The Maxxelli Portal shines as a standout feature. While the website offers regularly updated City Guides, the Maxxelli Portal showcases a comprehensive portfolio of guides for over 50 cities throughout China that delves much deeper than the general City Guides online. Within the For You section, we will also send timely articles that add value to the relocation process. [Screenshot from The Portal - Shanghai]   For more information on the Maxxelli Portal, please reach out to our Managing Partner, Adam McWhirter

Tomb Sweeping Day in China

As an expat living in China, it's important to be aware of the various cultural traditions and holidays that are celebrated in the country. One such important holiday is Tomb Sweeping Day, also known as Qingming Festival, which is a time when Chinese people pay respects to their ancestors.   Tomb Sweeping Day falls on April 4th or 5th each year, depending on the lunar calendar. This year, the holiday will take place on April 4th. In addition to the actual day, Chinese people often take a few days off to visit the graves of their ancestors, clean the gravesite, offer sacrifices, and pay tribute to their departed loved ones.   The history of Tomb Sweeping Day dates back over 2,500 years to the Zhou Dynasty, when it was a day to honor the ancestors of the royal family. Over time, the tradition spread to the general population, and today it is observed by people of all backgrounds in China.   One of the key customs of Tomb Sweeping Day is to burn incense and paper offerings at the gravesite as a way to show respect to the deceased. People also sweep the gravesite, remove weeds, and plant fresh flowers as a sign of honoring their ancestors. Additionally, some families will offer food and drinks as sacrifices to the spirits of their loved ones.   For expats living in China, Tomb Sweeping Day can be a fascinating cultural experience to observe. You may come across people visiting cemeteries with fresh offerings, burning incense, and paying their respects to their ancestors. While you may not be able to participate in all the rituals, showing respect and understanding the significance of the holiday will be appreciated by your Chinese friends and colleagues.   As Tomb Sweeping Day approaches, it's essential to be mindful of local customs and traditions and be respectful of those who are observing the holiday. 

How to - Recycling

In an effort to promote sustainability and combat environmental issues, China has implemented a comprehensive recycling program. This program aims to reduce waste and encourage citizens to adopt more eco-friendly practices. In this article, we will break down the recycling program in through various cities and explain how residents can participate. Recycling programs and drop-offs do vary slightly across the different cities, but the general processes remain the same. Proper Sorting and Segregation: Proper sorting and segregation of recyclable materials is the first step towards effective recycling.  Residents are encouraged to separate their waste into different categories, including paper, plastic, metal, glass, and hazardous waste. Collection Methods: The municipal governments have established various collection methods to ensure the smooth functioning of the recycling program:     a. Community Recycling Stations: These are designated recycling areas within residential communities where residents can drop off their recyclable materials.     b. Door-to-Door Collection: In certain neighborhoods, door-to-door collection services are provided. Residents can leave their recyclables outside their homes, and designated collection personnel will pick them up at scheduled times.     c. Recycling Points: Recycling points are scattered throughout the city, usually near residential areas, shopping centers, or transportation hubs, where residents can drop off their recyclables. Recycling Bins and Labels: Many neighborhoods and public places are equipped with recycling bins to facilitate waste separation. The bins are color-coded, with different colors representing different types of recyclable materials. Additionally, bilingual labels are placed on the bins, providing clear instructions on what items are acceptable for each bin. Education and Awareness: To ensure the success of the recycling program, educating and raising awareness among residents is crucial. The municipal government regularly conducts awareness campaigns, workshops, and distributes informational materials to educate residents about the benefits of recycling and how to correctly participate in the program. Responsible Disposal of Hazardous Waste: Residents are advised to properly dispose of hazardous waste, such as batteries, electronics, and chemicals, through specialized collection points or by contacting relevant authorities. These materials should not be mixed with regular recyclables or disposed of in regular trash bins. Collaboration with Recycling Companies: Multiple recycling firms are used to collect, process, and reuse the recyclable materials efficiently. These companies receive the sorted recycling materials and transform them into new products through recycling, reducing the need for raw materials. By participating in the recycling program, residents contribute to the reduction of waste sent to landfills, conserve resources, and help protect the environment. It is essential for residents to familiarize themselves with the program's guidelines, understand the sorting and segregation procedures, and actively practice responsible waste management. China's overall recycling program is a significant step towards creating a more sustainable city. By encouraging residents to properly sort their waste and providing convenient collection methods, the program aims to make recycling a daily habit. If you are not certain of the recycling drop off locations in your compound or neighbourhood, be sure to reach out to your Maxxelli Consultant.